
Welcome to a wonderful journey in the world of delicious food and party with us! Our restaurant is known as a destination for fans of culinary art and lovers of various food pleasures. From fancy and custom dishes to handmade and creative dishes, everything is prepared for you here. Join and experience a special experience with us!

Project details

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Duration of performance

1 Month

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Web Design

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bubblepuff is a reputable website that introduces the best restaurants and cafes in the United Arab Emirates.

This website provides comprehensive and accurate information to help users have the best food and drink experiences in pleasant environments.

Services offered by bubblepuff include detailed reviews, high-quality photos of dishes and restaurant environments, as well as contact information and precise addresses.

Additionally, bubblepuff offers online reservation and special discounts, enhancing user experiences.

Roham Global, an agency specializing in UI optimization for web pages, has made significant changes to the bubblepuff website using their expertise and experience.

These changes have led to improved user experience (UX), making the website easier and more enjoyable to use.

Roham Global agency, by carefully analyzing user needs and behaviors on the bubblepuff website, has implemented a series of optimizations, including:

Redesigning the User Interface: Roham Global agency has redesigned the website pages, giving it a modern and attractive look. Using appropriate colors and readable fonts has improved the visual experience for users.

Increasing Page Load Speed: By optimizing images and website codes, page load speed has significantly increased, reducing bounce rates and increasing user retention time on the website.

Responsive Design: bubblepuff is now fully optimized for various devices (mobile, tablet, and desktop). This improvement has made it easier for users to access information anytime and anywhere.

Improving Navigation: Roham Global agency has simplified menus and created quick and easy access paths, helping users find the information they need. These changes have reduced search time and increased user satisfaction.

Increasing User Interaction: By adding features such as feedback forms and surveys, bubblepuff has been able to establish more interaction with its users. These features allow users to easily convey their opinions and suggestions to the website managers.

Enhancing Website Content: With the help of Roham Global agency, the content of bubblepuff has been continuously updated and improved. Using appropriate keywords and creating valuable content has increased the website’s ranking in search engines and attracted new users.

Increasing Website Security: User information security is one of bubblepuff’s main priorities. Roham Global agency has implemented advanced security measures to protect user information and ensure their peace of mind.

By implementing these optimizations, the bubblepuff website has been able to provide a better user experience, resulting in an increase in visitors and loyal users.

Through its collaboration with Roham Global agency, bubblepuff has become one of the best informational sources for introducing restaurants and cafes in the United Arab Emirates, gaining user satisfaction.

Overall, the optimizations performed by Roham Global agency on the bubblepuff website have had very positive impacts and improved user experience.

bubblepuff now offers higher quality services to its users with a new and optimized user interface and is recognized as a reliable reference for introducing the best restaurants and cafes in the United Arab Emirates.

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