ui ux

UX/UI principles in store website design

19 minutes study time

In today’s digital market, store website design is very important.

In fact, a well-designed website can significantly increase user satisfaction, increase sales, and build brand loyalty.

User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design principles are critical in achieving this.

This blog explores key UX/UI principles for ecommerce website design, offers insights from experts in the field, showcases real-world examples of successful implementations, and provides must-have books for those seeking mastery. based on these principles, introduces

Understanding UX and UI in store website design

User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design are essential components of a successful online store.

While UX design focuses on the overall user experience when interacting with a website, UI design deals with the visual elements and interactive components of a website.

Together, these two ensure that the website is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also easy to navigate and use.

Key UX/UI Elements


Navigation refers to how users move through a website.

This includes things like menus, a search bar, and a category system that helps users easily find different parts of a website.

Visual Hierarchy:

Visual hierarchy is important in the sense that the arrangement of elements should be such that it shows their importance to the user.

This can be achieved by using size, color, font and white space.

For example, headlines are displayed in a larger font and bolder color than the body text to grab the user’s attention.

ui on store website

Interactive Elements:

Buttons, forms, search fields, and any element that the user can click, type, or otherwise interact with are considered interactive elements.

These elements allow users to interact with the website and do things like add products to the cart, post comments, or ask questions via live chat.


This element refers to the style and appearance of the text on the website.

Choosing a readable font, appropriate font size, and appropriate spacing between letters will make it easy for users to read the text and improve the overall appearance of the website.

Color Schemes:

Colors in website design can be used to convey information, evoke emotions, and direct user attention.

Choosing an appropriate color palette that matches your brand plays a significant role in creating a visually appealing and memorable website.

5 basic principles in the design of the store website user interface

1. Simplicity and Clarity

Your store website should be simple and clear to allow users to easily navigate and find what they are looking for without confusion.

Apple founder Steve Jobs said: “The best designs make user tasks easy and intuitive. Simplicity is the ultimate in complexity.”

Practical Tips for Simplicity and Clarity

. Use a clean and quiet layout.

. Provide clear and concise product descriptions.

. Use high quality images and videos to showcase products.

2. Consistency

Consistency in design elements such as colors, fonts, and buttons helps create a unified, professional look and improves usability by providing a familiar and predictable experience.

Jakob Nielsen, co-founder of Nielsen Norman Group, says, “Consistency in design is key to creating a familiar and intuitive user experience.

This reduces the cognitive load of users.”

Practical tips for cohesion

. Create a style guide for your website. This guide includes key items such as color palette, fonts, logo and other visual elements of your brand.

. Use the same menus and navigation system on all website pages.

. Make sure interactive elements look and behave the same throughout the site.

For example, all “Add to Cart” buttons should have the same color and shape, and when clicked, the user will be directed to the cart page.

3. Responsiveness for mobile (Mobile Responsiveness)

Since a significant portion of online shopping is done via mobile devices, it is imperative that store websites are fully responsive, work well, and look great on all screen sizes.

“Mobile-first design is no longer an option, it’s a necessity,” says Luke Worblowski, author of Mobile First.

A significant portion of users will access your site through mobile devices.


Practical Tips for Mobile Responsiveness

. Use a responsive web design framework. These frameworks will help youto create a website that automatically adapts to the screen size of different devices, from mobile phones and tablets to desktop computers.

. Optimize images and videos for faster loading times. High volume images can slow down website loading on mobile devices.

. Ensure touch-friendly navigation and interactive elements. Buttons, forms and other elements that users work with on mobile should be large enough to be easily touched with a finger.

4. Fast Loading Times

Users expect websites to load quickly. A delay in loading can lead to an increase in the bounce rate and a decrease in sales.

Former Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer says, “Speed ​​is an attribute. A fast website improves user experience and increases conversion rates.”

Practical tips for high loading speed

. Optimize images and use compression tools. There are various tools to reduce the size of images without losing quality, which will make the images load faster on your website.

. Minimize the use of heavy scripts and plugins. Bulky scripts and plugins can slow down a website’s loading speed.

. Use a reliable web hosting service. The quality of hosting has a direct impact on website loading speed.

Choosing a reputable hosting company with high-speed servers can significantly reduce your website’s loading time.

5. Effective call to action (Call to Action – CTA)

A call to action (CTA) directs users to your desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or contacting customer support.

Effective CTAs are clear, compelling and strategically placed.

Digital marketing expert Neil Patel says, “A strong call to action is essential to drive user behavior and achieve business goals. The call to action must be visible and persuasive.”

Practical tips for effective appeals

Use contrasting colors to make CTAs stand out.

Place CTAs above the fold (the first part of the page that is visible without scrolling) and at key points on the page.

Use action-oriented language (eg, “Shop now,” “Sign up today”).

Real examples of successful store website design

In the previous section, we learned about the key principles of UX/UI for store website design. Now let’s take a look at some real examples of successful store websites that have followed these principles well:

1. Glossier: Glossier’s website is a shining example of simplicity and clarity.

Clean design, high-quality images, and intuitive navigation make it easy for users to explore products and shop.

2. Allbirds: Allbirds website uses a unified design throughout its website with clear product descriptions and high quality images.

Responsiveness of this site for mobile ensures a smooth shopping experience on any device.

3. Warby Parker: The Warby Parker website combines aesthetics with functionality.

The use of high-quality images, simple navigation and an easy virtual try-on feature improve the shopping experience.

4. ASOS: ASOS excels in fast loading speed and mobile responsiveness.

Their effective use of CTAs and organized product categories make shopping simple, keep users engaged, and increase conversion rates.

ui in asos webstore

Recommended books to study in the field of UX/UI design

For those looking to deepen their knowledge of UX and UI design, here are some must-read books:

“Don’t Confuse Me” by Steve Krug

This classic book offers valuable practical advice on web usability and intuitive design, making it a must-have for UI designers.

“The Design of Everyday Objects” by Donald Norman

Donald Norman’s book deals with design principles and how to apply them to create user-friendly user interfaces. This book is an essential resource for understanding the fundamentals of UX design.

“Design with Mind” by Jeff Johnson

By examining the psychological principles behind effective UI design, this book provides insight into how users think and interact with interfaces and helps designers create user-centered user interfaces.

“Seductive Interaction Design: Creating Pleasant, Fun, and Effective User Experiences” by Stephen Anderson

Focused on creating engaging and enjoyable user experiences, this book combines practical advice with psychological insights to help designers create interfaces that users love.

“Mobile First” by Luke Worblowski

Due to the ever-increasing use of mobile phones, this book provides basic strategies for designing responsive and mobile-friendly websites.


UX and UI design principles play a vital role in creating an efficient and attractive store website.

Businesses focusing on simplicity and clarity, coherence, andProactivity for mobile, high loading speed and effective calls to action can improve user experience and increase conversion rates.

Learning from expert perspectives and real examples can provide valuable guidance along the way.

For those eager to expand their knowledge, the recommended books provide a wealth of information to master UX and UI design.

Embrace these principles to design store websites that not only look great, but also provide users with a smooth and enjoyable shopping experience.

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